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  myGaming-Team :: Stats  /  Left 4 Dead 2  /  Ranking

 Player: Reese
 Points: 21,490,357
 Player: IMPULSE®
 Points: 21,398,018
 Player: - Alesso🥀⃤
 Points: 19,600,615

Rank Player Points Country Playtime Last Online
1Reese21,490,357de4.03 Months1.12 Weeks ago
2IMPULSE®21,398,018my4.05 Months2.53 Weeks ago
3- Alesso🥀⃤19,600,615pe5.28 Months1.21 Years ago
4WYC18,527,948ph6.22 Months5.05 Days ago
5Rick Grimes17,000,278at5.60 Months2.52 Weeks ago
6ArnieLMaster15,503,944tr1.78 Months2.87 Years ago
7FeminineOdor15,467,084us5.65 Months4.49 Days ago
8Caca Enano14,904,179sg4.49 Months1.09 Days ago
9✨Daisy✨13,582,511us3.71 Months2.52 Weeks ago
10Derp1k13,553,745ru3.75 Weeks1.91 Months ago
111-013,211,473in4.91 Months2.53 Weeks ago
12leo12,177,272ru3.59 Months2.52 Weeks ago
13Romel11,743,690br3.35 Months3.72 Weeks ago
14Tony11,738,319ie5.27 Months1.23 Years ago
15BIGO11,150,981il3.52 Months7.05 Years ago
16Kings Cross10,907,386cn3.59 Months3.43 Years ago
17Coberr10,746,139pl3.30 Months1.80 Months ago
18ᨀSnowStorm⸗10,507,479tr2.46 Months2.22 Years ago
19Ϡєαтн ℓϧgισϞ10,502,150fr2.57 Months4.49 Months ago
20Nut9,852,582sg1.73 Months1.99 Weeks ago
21MikeW9,763,758us2.65 Months2.56 Months ago
22ᨀSαndStone⸗9,065,174tr4.04 Months3.21 Years ago
23Zowi8,953,320ro4.69 Months2.52 Weeks ago
24Yasuda8,948,761pe2.90 Months3.06 Months ago
25RF8,839,261il3.01 Months3.67 Months ago

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